Thursday, April 13, 2017

Couldn't help but laugh

Went on a cruise 'round the intertards for information on other peoples' similar troubles as my '06 Outback, which I just traded off, and see this;
"That’s because Chrysler... You should know better. When you have a German car you think people think you are fancy so you overlook it like the wives of pro-athletes who get cheated on. With Subaru, its like your mom sold you on Craigslist to finance her oxy addiction. Mom is supposed to always be there for you, be reliable, take you to school and practice, keep you safe....and then the overconsumption of pills starts the downward spiral. But you keep giving mom another chance. Still love her. No. Matter.What. she does to you. :( Subaru is the addict mom. There’s a lot of hurt and betrayal there."

Almost perfectly describes how I feel about mine, as the whole has, up until now, always been greater than the sum of the parts.

I remember looking for a wagon at the time and considering other options for our soon to be bigger family, took a trip to a local dealer. I found my new, boring white wagon, with a stick even, in the lowest spec, naturally aspirated engine and took it for a test drive.  I was immediately hooked. The more I drove it, the more I liked it.

Then about a year ago it needed its periodic timing belt change. A couple of days before the scheduled performance of that, it started falling on its face whenever I went to give it the beans. It just wouldn't pull over about 3,500 rpm, and made a clatter like it was about to lose a couple of valves. The technician pulled the manifold and test drove it. Result was a clogged cat.


The oil consumption problems I had been experiencing can be attributed to the poor rings mentioned by numerous others (I also have other ideas as to why), but was considered "normal," according to Subaru. It's only gotten worse since replacing not only the cat and pipe at the same time as the timing belt, but both head gaskets as well; another known weak spot for leaks on these same engines.

The experience soured me to point where replacement was deemed necessary, just yesterday. Too bad, as I really liked that car, as I said. No more.

I'll still miss it.

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