Monday, April 16, 2007

Framing the argument much?

I'd dice this one, but I think everyone knows that,

A) since it was written by a "journalist" at a large city newspaper, and

B) the story is about guns, the evil NRA, and

C) is also about politics, and who the evil NRA is going to put into the White House come '08

the story can't be painted in anything other than a negative light, and of course, we have to stump for Sir Hillary, by showing that she is indeed a gun-control supporter.

FWIW, I simply was revolted at this quote, "For the NRA, Bush was a dream come true — you’re either for or against guns, no in-between,” said Wayne Fields of the American Culture Studies program at Washington University in St. Louis."

Bush, a dream come true? FOR WHOM, I ask? Surely NOT gun-owners.


Yes, Fred Thompson is about the best choice so far, and as mentioned, is being treated for cancer, so his prospects aren't too good right now. HE would be a good choice for gun owners. The next best candidate, in my view (he's officially running, anyway) is Tom Tancredo, from Colorado, who I witnessed on C-Span just yesterday, telling the Diplo-scoundrels at the UN to either shape up, or he would personally see to it that they would be shipped out, if elected.

Ding, ding! WE HAVE A WINNER.

I'm so fed up living within a blue speck, when surrounded by a sea of red. I've simply got to get the family moved to friendlier territory.

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