Wednesday, August 16, 2017

When speaking the truth is a crime

I must say that Karl puts the events in Charlottesville, and actions of the few and many within their proper context and perspectives.

The rule of law has deteriorated to this point now:
"...May I remind said members of the press, politicians and others that their speech is often found offensive by someone, and that if they advocate for and promote this rank lawlessness and blatantly unconstitutional behavior they will have nobody but themselves to blame when, not if, the nation erupts into violence on a level not seen in America since the 1860s and their homes, businesses and entire cities are sacked by persons who are aggrieved by their mere speech. 
I have never in my life believed -- until today -- that we would see such an event in this nation again. 
Today I fully expect it to happen and when this outcome occurs it will lay at the feet of the press and lawmakers. 
There has only been one person thus far -- President Trump -- with the balls to make the statement in public that violence in response to speech is never acceptable..."
Now, matters are worse.

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