Saturday, July 09, 2005

I told you so!

This was all over certain talk shows late last year. Most nay-sayers said that us 'right-wing extremists' were just over-reacting, and that nothing was ever going to come of it.

All of this material was covered especially well by Cam Edwards on Bradley Smith, the FEC chairman, was invited to the show and asked by Cam if political commentary would be considered an 'in kind' contribution. I was expecting to get the Clintonian, run-around type of answer, but he was rather forthright with explaning that it WAS a distinct possibility, hinging largely on a ruling made by Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, regarding some of the regulations that were established to enact the McCain-Feingold law. Instead of being the typical overbearing pig, shit-headed bureaucrat, he was almost apologetic with his response. I found this to be amazing, to quote,

"She orders us to regulate the Internet, again what I point out is -- it is in no way limited to paid advertising. In fact, it would be contrary to the tone of the opinions limited only to paid advertising. In another part of the opinion, she struck down one of our regulations where we exempted unpaid advertising. So, I, you know, this was, it’s – it’s in no ways limited to unpaid advertising."

It seems to me that what Cam and others were trying to foreshadow is now coming true. It is also amazing to see that judges are now trying to enforce this law. Not sure they can do that, despite the SCOTUS decision to let a lower court ruling stand, stating that M/F is not UnConstitutional.

I get the feeling that there are exactly two types of people in this country regarding this issue. Either they don't know about it, nor understand it, or they are fuming at the thought that the first amendment has/is being excised from the Bill of Rights.

I think the Revolution just got a little closer, by virtue of adding yet another straw.

Ah, fuck 'em! My powder is dry.



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