Monday, October 09, 2006

Putting it succinctly

I've been meaning to link to DirtCrashr's excellent post for a few days, but have been tied up with more pressing concerns than blogging.

I hadn't even bothered to see what all the uproar was about when he posted, but have since seen the footage of the animals doing their fecal throwing act, and I have to say, if I would have been on stage when this took place, there would have been at least of few of those cretins leaving on a gurney.

Dirt is short, to the point, and spot on with his observations about the way they frame everything they touch. It's always about their sniveling perspective, and never anything else. They view themselves as being the only ones capable enough to understand the situation or subject, whatever it may be, and therefore should be able to dictate to all others about what to do, how to think, and most definitely, how much funding is allocated to the "problem", since that is always the case with the leftards.

I've been reading a lot of fiction over the last few years, and most of it is a sort of what I call 'The New Orwell Order', in that it is loosely based on the extreme logical conclusions after the implementation of liberal politics and agendas. Some of it is simply absurd. Other things, many things, are far easier to accept as not only being possible, but probable. This latest tidbit at Columbia is only a sample of what those possibilities are. With the self-deluded concepts that these people attach ideologies to, and politically correct thinking the absolute order, can anyone imagine the speech that was being given by the Minuteman Project, under an extreme liberal President and Congress, being a criminal offense and somehow labeled as "hate speech" or some other non-sense? I can. What happens then? SWAT teams?

Not only do I think it is possible, I think it probable. The overriding problem with that, of course, is that not only is that suppression of free speech, but the leftists believing it OK to jail and prosecute people for such acts, all within the moral context that they've laid out within their own heads. That is scary. For them, it is willful neglect, and since they haven't the ability to think clearly, much less rely on anything remotely resembling a conscience, I'm keeping them under close surveillance and at arms length or greater, with my other hand on the pistol. Figuratively speaking, of course.

Keep yer powder dry.


Blogger NotClauswitz said...

I had only heard about the even and until now had not watched the video, but it's characteristic of how they treat dissent, and the way they would "govern" if ever in power. They are a mob of children run by thugs and gangsters, their heads filled with mushy neo-logic and confusion.

2:15 PM  

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