Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Got your sh!t together?

Frankly, any sane person who's been paying attention to the current and devolving state of world affairs would know this, but it bears to be mentioned that even the Commies at CNBC are willing to allow such forthright statements, from the likes of plain-speaking investors, and from a market that he should know something about;
"America today looks like Russia in 1998. Consumers, companies and the government are all highly indebted. America as a result is a bankrupt Mickey Mouse economy,"
Says Jochen Wermuth of Wermuth Asset Management, a company that specializes in investment funds in eastern Europe and Russia. He also notes,
"The big evil for the IMF in Russia in 1998 was the prospect of the central bank funding government debt. The Fed (The Federal Reserve, Ed.) is now even buying mortgage-backed securities,"
in an effort at propping up the profligate spending of Congress through, essentially, printing more money and "backing" that new, fake cash with real commodities that are owned, at least partially, by banks and lenders.

It's a house of cards, an IOU for the future (lives, fortunes and production of others) to pay off, and everyone should know that by now, as Wurmuth continues;
"US credit risk is huge and America has two options, either default or let the currency depreciate substantially against currencies such as the yuan and the rouble,"
and I'd bet on that depreciation angle, as that is exactly what is happening, right fucking now.

It's a mess here, and it's a product of our own government. I can't see anything other than a protracted, internecine conflict, with the possibility of outright civil war being fought over this debacle. The gulf is too wide to bridge, both in terms of any real chance at paying down the debt owed to China, as well as the philosophical one within our own borders.

So, ask yourself if you have your shit together about securing your future. I know I'm worried.

H/T for the link to the CNBC piece goes to Sipsey Street.

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Anonymous Mark B. said...

Well shit, we started monetizing our own debt some, what, 16 months or so ago?




The Current Occupants make the Weimar Republic look like the paragons of fiscal restraint and monetary discipline.

We are so screwed . . .


8:21 AM  
Blogger theirritablearchitect said...

We sure are.

Some of the stuff that I've seen coming from multiple sources, Celente, Denninger, Schiff and the like, all tend to agree; we are on a completely unsustainable spending trajectory, and Congress just keeps spending more money, daily, on shit that can't be paid for without directly borrowing from something, or someone else.

This is compounded by the clear messages being sent on how taxes are going to be levied on the "rich" in the not too distant future. The Congress has made all kinds of stupid assumptions about projected revenues, when raising the marginal tax rate to supposedly "pay" for all of their grandiose social engineering schemes, without ever considering how those rates and the inherent oppression therein might affect the class of people who are being put upon to pay for it all.

They either expatriate and move the money with them (this is something on the rise, to be sure) for a planned change in citizenship, or they stop doing the productive work that generates the added value of the compensation.

The last bit to be mentioned along that same vein is this; as we get closer to that threshold of the .gov opening the artery to fully exanguinate the country, we will see a more aggressive approach at subverting those taxes, by way of people carrying out tasks and goods trade through barter or under-the-table dealings with cash or other forms of compensation.

The idiots on Capitol Hill just don't understand that we Americans don't want what they're trying to "give" us. I costs too much, and we know it, all the while they are insisting it's all "free." Well, I know better, and so do most.

It's really quite time for the tar crucible to get a warming fire lit underneath it. Come November, we may have to do just that.

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Mark B. said...

"This is compounded by the clear messages being sent on how taxes are going to be levied on the 'rich' in the not too distant future. The Congress has made all kinds of stupid assumptions about projected revenues, when raising the marginal tax rate to supposedly 'pay' for all of their grandiose social engineering schemes, without ever considering how those rates and the inherent oppression therein might affect the class of people who are being put upon to pay for it all.

But here's the problem: Jugears, and all those other parasites on the Hill, FUCKING KNOW that raising top marginal rates and dropping capital gains and estate-tax caps, along with a whole host of new "taxes" (BammyCare, for example), both enacted and planned, isn't revenue-enhancive. It's not even revenue-neutral; it's revnue-negative and Jugears said so himself, first (at least publicly) in a television interview back in January of'08 and again, rather more publicly, to Joe The Plumber some five months later. "It's about 'fairness' " were his exact words.

To them, the fact that this policy postition is almost certain to bankrupt the country isn't a bug, it's a feature. It's a positive-feedback loop designed to spiral out of control to the point where, with the exception of the anointed elite, we're all permanently dependent on the all-pervasive nanny state.

Call me cynical if you will; they're all either stupid-as-a-boxcar-full-of-sledgehammers pathalogical liars (which should never be discounted -- I invoke Hanlon's Razor here) or they're playing the collectivist endgame as quickly as they can. Or perhaps some toxic mix of the two.

G-d help us all even if the House turns in November; there'd still be a lame-duck session to weather. Nothing as dangerous as a cornered animal with nothing to lose.


11:51 AM  
Anonymous Mark B. said...

And while I'm on about it, the next time I hear a politician talk about

" . . . the cost of a tax cut . . . "

I'm gonna drill him in the sack wearing steel-toed golf shoes.

Seems I might have an opportunity fairly close by as our Donk gubernatorial candidate already sounds like such a mouthbreathing moron.


12:14 PM  
Blogger theirritablearchitect said...


You are one of few whom restoreth my faith in humanity.

We need more like you, sir.

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Mark B. said...


I'm just as pissed off as you are (and as any sentient creature should be) about our current predicament.

We have Donks on the left -- let's be fair here -- doing to us exactly what they promised they were going to do to us while nevertheless lying about their means, methods ("It's not a tax!"), purpose and rationale.

We have 'Pubs on the right parroting the proper platitudes when they're out here in the hustings among the unwashed but whom we (often serially) send to Washington so they can have their spines and consciences surgically removed.

"Left with no rational alternative, he opted for functional psychosis . . . "


1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The House could simply refuse to pass any appropriations bills, or to increase the debt limit. Maybe a hard core of Tea Party representatives could pull the pin on that grenade. But would that cause a backlash in 2012?

9:20 PM  
Blogger theirritablearchitect said...


I'm not holding my breath about getting a replacement party (let's face it, the Stupid Party is the one that'll go) into Congress to outright block anything the Donks will throw at it.

As for causing a backlash in 2012; I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that.

Would it cause people to view the stagnation of bills and law passage as something that's holding back the country? Surely, that'd be considered a serious improvement over what we've been forced to endure for the last 19 months, and only a hardcore Socialist would disagree with that.

Really, I have nothing but outright contempt at the lot of them, and wouldn't shed a tear to see them hanged on the lawn of the Capitol.

I guy can dream, can't he?

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Mark B. said...

"Really, I have nothing but outright contempt at the lot of them, and wouldn't shed a tear to see them hanged on the lawn of the Capitol."

I'm down with that, but could we include the Capitol Hill and Whitehouse Press Corps and throw in the entire staff and on-air talent of NPR, just for fun?

Anon, out here in the sticks a 22-year-old kid ran against a former Speaker Of The House in a Stupid Party primary for his state House seat and the kid kicked the hell out of the old fart, one Melvin Neufeld by name, who desperately needed to go away. There's a lesson here: The primaries are where the electorate can make it's biggest impact on the shape of statewide and national politics.

But then noone votes in primaries, do they? Whioh is why we routinely get left with the choice between a shit sandwich and a brain tumor in the generals. I offer the 2008 Presidential election as Example A, followed closely by the 2004 and 2000 campaigns.

Hell, John Ashcroft was defeated in Missouri's 2000 senatorial race by a DEAD GUY. Frank Lautenberg, may a pox descend on his house, sits in the U.S. Senate as I type this because the New Jersey State Supreme Court gutted a key component of the state's election stautes. And Minnesota sent Al Franken to the Upper House. At least Caligula had the sense to send the whole horse to the Senate.

Clever bunch, aren't we?


TW: obacena -- a dance tune whose only words are "I, I, I,"

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without a veto proof majority the only thing it would be possible to do would be to stand in front of the juggernaut and yell "Stop!". It would be possible for a VERY small group of Representatives to do this very effectively. By chance, such a small group may coalesce out of the election results this fall.

But half the electorate is below the middle of the bell curve. They are influenced by the media, which will align itself with any interest against our country, even foreign (who owns the New York Times?). They will portray such a "Stop!" as a stop to Obama's promise to pay rent and gasoline expenses.

The end result might just be 4 more years starting in 2012. The only long term solution is to limit the franchise to the literate and the productive. Is it at all possible to convince the electorate to vote those provisions into law, or will there have to be a legal discontinuity imposed by force?

10:37 AM  
Blogger theirritablearchitect said...

The Obacena, whose only lyrics are, "I,I,I..."

Holy shit, that is funny. The fucking Matrix is talking to us.

10:48 AM  
Blogger theirritablearchitect said...


To be short and to the point, I'd have to guess that the later of your arguments is the more probable outcome.

It's kinda like the chances of politicians in Congress passing a law that bans Congresscritters from, say, taking contributions for campaign financing, at all.

Try seeing how far something like that gets, and I think you can see where your prescribed limits on suffrage will get. Not that I disagree with the sentiment, but it's something that I just don't see as feasible in the current state of affairs.

Rule by force is an inherent form of the human condition, I'm afraid, and it takes an incredibly advanced mind to conceive of something of a higher order than mere brute force. We briefly, and way too briefly in my estimation, caught a glimpse of that, here, where a man could be free from the tyranny of the many, the few, or even the one, and definitely from the government.

We've obviously crossed that threshold, back toward tyranny, but we are too stupid, as a whole, to see it. The masses of willing, slobbering idiots, who play straight toward a power grab under the authority of law, are too numerous to fight in something as arcane as a majority vote. People are too selfish, and will never admit to wanting to control the lives of others by way of that very vote, and will nonetheless make a stampede to the polls for their chance at doing just that.

I'm not optimistic about the general populace growing a brain and realizing that they are willing servants to the morons who evangelize government, enslaving others by the use of the voting booth.

That scenario pretty much brings us to what we have now, and it isn't pretty. My only hope about it all is this; it is exactly what we need. The incremental approach has worked, boys and girls, only now, the Donks and Commies smell the blood in the water, and are actively trying to pick up the pace on the disaster they've engineered (quite admittedly too). That rapid descent is what we've been needing. It's more obvious when the grade upon which you are descending is abrupt than if you merely coast down hill. It is the same here.

I used to scoff at some who suggested that canceling the 2012 elections even a possiblity, knowing that even the Stalinists would disapprove of that. Now, not so much.


The moves that have been made since Barry and his ilk took over have made me realize that they have an unparalleled thirst for power, and are determined to mine every single ounce of worry out of these catastrophes that we've been witness to, real or manufactured. Martial law? Wouldn't put it passed him to do it, even this fall. Want to know how he'd do it? Look at what Fidel said earlier this week.

Extraordinary? I used to think so too, but now, I look at it as almost plausible.

Scary shit, innit?

11:47 AM  

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