Monday, November 15, 2010

Taxing ourselves to death

Look at this moron;
"I don't even understand why we KEEP the Social Security contribution as a function of wages. It's a tax on employment, which is something we need more of. If we are going to keep social security, fund it out of something else, like gas taxes."
Take that statement, at its fully integrated breadth.

Not only does the moron like to pass this off to himself as a good idea, they must be aware of the ramifications of what would undoubtedly be a complete stalling of the economy. Implicitly, there is an association with some sort of "Green Agenda," tantamount to some sort of sin tax, no different than currently that of alcohol or cigarettes. This last bit supposedly makes the raping of production and consumption more palatable to the rest of the dolts in this world, encapsulating the whole thing as a commodity which usage of is some sort of avarice.

Think about how much your FICA is, currently, then consider the current demographic of this country if SS is to remain "solvent." Even given the assumption that it will get no worse than the current projections, I'd consider doubling the amount to be probable, no matter where the "funding" comes from.

Now, think about how that bit would effect your fuel-ups. Let me spell it out for you; Several hundred dollars to fill your tank, minimum.

Now, how does that work through to, say, your grocery bill?

Can you still afford to live where you do and get to your job?

Yeah, kids' soccer game on the weekend is fucked too.

Going out on the town? Discretionary travel?

No and no again.

And Detroit will finally go completely black, as will every single God-damned automotive manufacturing facility, in the entire fucking country.

How's that no "tax on employment" look now?

I have a better idea, but many dismiss it as being "unworkable," even though it's plain to see that it's been done before, and we weren't all about to be living on the streets when there wasn't a quarter or more of your pay being extorted from you by the government, "for the common good," or some other rot.

I'll never see a dime of what I've paid directly into for that system. I'm confident of it, and it can't go away quickly enough.

That's how much I hate it.

H/T to Billy.

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