Thursday, March 25, 2010

Saying it like it is

I seem to recall looking at the birth rates of Gen-X, oh, years ago, and noted that the year of my birth, 1972, was at or near the bottom of the Big Baby Bust that defines the Flower Power Generations' want for liberation from the traditional family structure, or some other rot.

I realized quite quickly thereafter that my generation was simply doomed by way of lack of numbers. It's quite impossible, looking at the whole mess from twenty-odd years of experience hence, to see anything other than a tidal wave of slavery coming from either side of that curve, by way to the vote.

The whole mess of Social Security was built on the notion that the next generation would be far larger in numbers than the one before it, thereby ensuring that there would be more than enough people paying into a system that would always be losing beneficiaries, and all would be right with the world (see Ponzi scheme). Except it's been a program on the march toward expansion, since its inception, and has done exactly what all of these programs do, force more dependency upon those who need more of the opposite.

Can't wait to see it all crash. Where's the popcorn?

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