Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is that story about the Duck

The attached AP story about what the President's supposed faith is, is not the question, here, though I DO think that more people, if this survey is to be believed, are waking up to the reality of the situation.

This was the part that sticks in my craw,
"The survey, conducted by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center..."
is a bunch of HORSESHIT.

The Pew Research Center is a wholly-owned part of The Pew Charitable Trusts, which is about the largest, most Leftist organization in the entire fucking free world, and I don't need some journo-flunky blowing smoke up my ass, telling me how unbiased they are, regardless of what the statement on their website might say.

I could set up a website claiming to be J.C. himself, but that wouldn't necessarily make it so, now would it?

I used to think that the lawyers should be one of the first to get the knife when the implosion gets going, but now, I'm changing my tune. Journalists are making big gains on my shit list.

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Anonymous Mark B. said...

" . . . and I don't need some journo-flunky blowing smoke up my ass, telling me how unbiased they are, regardless of what the statement on their website might say."

They aren't writing for your benefit. The target audience have the attention spans of gnats and the intellectual horsepower of a garden slug. I once believed that treating your consumers as idiots was a bad business model. I've latterly come to the conclusion that the Bell Curve is now so heavily skewed to the left that it's no longer necessarily a losing proposition . . .


1:32 PM  

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